29 November 2010 6:46 AM
yahooo !!
first time dapat award larh (:
first time dapat award larh (:
1) thanx the person who gave u this award and the link of this person
terima kasih,thanx,tocey,nandre,aligato,kamsamida to balkieys
farah sgt2 appreciate award nieyh
coz first time dpt award (:
thanx auww !
2) spread the award to 15 blogger who u like and and u think their blogs are awesome
from bottom of my heart, farah bagi award nieyh (:
3) tell 7 things about yourself
--> farah hanie fadzil
--> sweet 16
--> photographer
--> gila2
--> suka gelak smpai nangis
--> saia sayang anda ,kalau anda sayang saya (:
--> suka on9 facebook and blog ^^
Labels: award